Yeay, finally got a bit chance to wrote something for my baby bloggie..heee
Yea..i'm quite..not quite actually..i'm very busy with my work..huhu lotsa new task to be done
Ok, just wanna do the review for my Solemnization veil
Cerita disebalik kisah Veil:
I love the details kat kepala tu hehe |
At first, perahsantan nak jahit sendiri (memang saya ada bakat menjahit cuma malas dan xde mesin sendiri hihi) tapi apakan daya, masa tak mengizinkan sbb masa preparation period tu, alhamdulillah Rinko dapat naik pangkat dan bertambah la tugasan xleh nak concentrate. To be honest, ada satu bulan lebih, lansung xsentuh preparation wedding uollzz..ngeri tak? ngeri kan?
Biasalah, dengan dream wedding nye, nak design itu ini nye (benda ni boleh jadi kat semua B2B ok) so..akhirnya otak dah buntu then jejalan lah Rinko ke Semua House. Malas nak fikir panjang, i went to this one Wedding planner and ask whether they provide custom made veil...and yes! they do!! I'm so happy.. cerita serba sedikit about my preferred design then letak je deposit dek non...
I was looking for something simple, ye la veil pon pakai sekali jek kan...but then..i want it to be memorable..
Simple & yeah...i just wait until the veil is ready..
Plink!!! after one week they call me and its ready! so fast kan? excited..lepas kerja terus pergi and collect the veil..nasib office memang dekat ngan Jalan TAR tu ahah.. Ehhh lupa pulak nak credit to the boutique..
For those B2B, you may go to Roy Busana Anggun, at Ground Floor Semua house..masuk je entrance, terus ke kiri hokayy! Affordable and fast service..
Itu saja bebelan Rinko harini..harap korang sanggup dengar..heeee
P/S: My darling veil is open for affordable price, PM me for details :D